Friday, 19 April 2013

Head Lice Treatment

Head lice can cause severe itching in the head and is an extremely common problem in school going children. If commonly available remedies like combing hair with a very fine comb after shampooing with anti-lice shampoo do not work, a dermatologist may be consulted.

Task force: Evidence for Vitamin D, calcium supplements lacking

Task force: Evidence for Vitamin D, calcium supplements lacking
The task force found evidence that Vitamin D and calcium supplements increase the risk of developing kidney stones.


 Task force: Evidence for Vitamin D, calcium supplements lacking

You’ve seen it added to cereal boxes, gallons of milk and bottles of orange juice. Experts tout its benefits – from strong bones to a strong immune system – and warn of the dangers of Vitamin D deficiency.
The public relations push is working; between 2002 and 2011, sales of vitamin D supplements increased from $42 million to $605 million, according to the Nutrition Business Journal.
New recommendations from the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force could bump those sales even higher, or - if critics are right - confuse consumers as they head down the pharmacy aisle.
After completing a review of existing research, the USPSTF, an independent panel of doctors and experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine, is advising against taking moderate amounts of Vitamin D and calcium supplements because there is not enough evidence to prove the supplements reduce the risk of bone fractures.

More specifically, the USPSTF is recommending against supplements of Vitamin D in daily doses of less than 400 IU (international units), and calcium in daily doses of less than 1,000 milligrams for post-menopausal women.
Doctors currently recommend these supplements for women to prevent fractures; approximately 56% of women aged 60 years and older take supplemental vitamin D, and 60% take a supplement containing calcium, according to the USPSTF report. The report was published in this week’s edition of the Annals of Internal Medicine journal.
The task force found evidence that Vitamin D and calcium supplements increase the risk of developing kidney stones in this population, and insufficient evidence to show that the supplements reduce the risk of fractures.
Basically it boils down to this: “Don't take modest doses, they don't do any good,” says Dr. Virginia Moyer, chair of the USPSTF.
More research is needed, Moyer says, to determine whether higher doses of Vitamin D or calcium would prevent fractures in older men or women. She says the task force will be looking in the future at whether doctors should be screening for Vitamin D deficiencies.
The USPSTF’s recommendations don’t apply to those who are prone to falling, according to the report, or those who have a history of fractures, a documented Vitamin D deficiency or a diagnosis of osteoporosis.
Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, according to nutrition experts Marion Nestle and Malden C. Nesheim; it’s a hormone produced by the body in reaction to sunlight.
“Like other hormones, vitamin D has multiple roles in the body, not all of them well-understood,” the experts wrote in an editorial about the USPSTF recommendations. As such, Vitamin D supplements must be considered a form of hormone replacement therapy, they wrote, and be subjected to similar probes about efficacy, dose and side effects.
As we’ve seen with recommendations from this group in the past (think prostate or cervical cancer screenings), there are those that disagree with the task force’s conclusion.
“These recommendations fail to recognize the well-established role of calcium and vitamin D in maintaining bone health,” the Council for Responsible Nutrition said in a statement. “If these recommendations are taken to heart, or misconstrued as general recommendations against calcium and vitamin D, consumers could be compromising their bone health and missing out on important other benefits from these nutrients.
“The bottom line: calcium and vitamin D are vital to staying healthy.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says African-Americans have the highest rates of Vitamin D deficiency - along with the highest bone density and fewest fractures. Approximately 12% of Mexican-Americans are deficient, while only 3% of non-Hispanic whites are at risk.
The Institute of Medicine recommends adults get at least 800 to 1000 mg of calcium daily, depending on their age, and at least 400 IU of Vitamin D. Adults can safely absorb up to 2,500 mg of calcium and 4,000 IU of Vitamin D.
Calcium is most commonly found in dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt, but it’s also available in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. Vitamin D is crucial for helping your body absorb calcium, which is why the nutrients are often talked about together. Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish or fortified foods like cereal and orange juice. It’s also found in sun rays, where it’s absorbed through the skin.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

We're eating less fast food - but not by much

Americans are eating less fast food daily than they used to, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  But it's not much less.
Using data from 2007 to 2010, the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics determined adults eat, on average, 11.3% of their daily calories from fast food. That number was 12.8% in 2006– a one and half point difference.
As you would expect, younger adults tend to eat more fast food than seniors. People older than 60 eat approximately 6% of their daily calories from fast food. Among the younger age groups, non-Hispanic black adults eat the most fast food - using more than one-fifth of their daily calories at fast food establishments.
The CDC did not see a significant difference in fast food consumption based on income, according to the report. Only in the 20-to-39 age group did fast food consumption drop as income increased.
Fast food has been linked to the obesity epidemic in the United States. Not surprisingly, obese adults in each age group ate more of their calories from fast food.

Sorority girl drops 107 pounds

Brittni Garcia's family didn't go out for walks; they went out for dinner. And when they were at home, they enjoyed watching movies, playing board games and eating big Mexican-style home-cooked meals.
This lazy lifestyle led Garcia to weigh more than 200 pounds by the eighth grade.
"My mom always said, 'You are a big girl. You are just big-boned,'" said the 25-year-old information specialist. "So I just accepted it."
Through high school and college, her weight continued to rise. But even at 235 pounds, Garcia didn't think her weight was a problem -- until she couldn't fit into her "fat shorts" anymore.
That was December 2009.
It was a typical night for Garcia. She was studying for finals in her sorority house at Eastern Illinois University and wanted to change into some comfortable clothing. She found her red pajama XXL shorts that she normally wore to bed.
As she struggled to pull them up, she realized they were too tight and uncomfortable -- her "big, comfy shorts" no longer fit.
"Tons of emotions ran through my head," she said. "I was afraid that was the way my life was going to be."
That's when Garcia's mentality changed. Being overweight was no longer normal for her.
Heart disease runs in her family, and she realized it was time to address her weight now before it turned into a bigger health problem.
"I wanted to lose weight to challenge myself and show myself I can change, and not change for the world," Garcia wrote in her iReport. "This time, it was for me."
Getting in shape wasn't going to be easy. Going to the gym had been one of her biggest fears for a long time. She was self-conscious about how she looked and sounded when she ran.
"It was hard for me to breathe," Garcia said. "It was embarrassing."
Embarrassment about her weight extended to other areas of her life. Although she was president of her sorority, Garcia always felt like she stood out.
"All the sorority girls had cookie-cutter form, and I looked different," she said. "It was really hard for me to connect."
Garcia's involvement in Greek life perpetuated her unhealthy habits; she often went to bars and restaurants to mingle with her college friends. It was difficult to break the cycle, but she found supportive friends who also hit the gym.
"What I tell people is that you find new friends at the gym," she said. "If you don't have the support, it's really hard to do it on your own."
Garcia found one of her biggest supporters through her sorority. She met Nicholas Monreal at a Greek function, and they began dating when she was at her heaviest. But the days of social functions, bar visits and restaurant outings are long gone for the couple.
"He was there when I realized I wanted to change," she said. "To this day, our dates are to the gym. We see excitement in going on walks and runs."
The couple has been together for four years; he proposed in December. Monreal has noticed a significant difference in Garcia over the past few years -- not just physically.
"She's more energetic ... and she's more willing to try new things," he said "She's just working very hard, and she's a better person for it."
On the right track
Since the beginning of 2010, Garcia has lost 107 pounds.
There were setbacks, the biggest of which came this past August when she was in a car accident. She completed three months of physical therapy and wasn't able to go to the gym and do her daily routines for a month and a half.
She was angry at first -- mad at the person who hit her car and stalled her progress at the gym.
But she got over her initial anger, and Garcia went on a walk. This time, she wasn't alone. Her fiance, her parents, her sisters and her aunt encouraged her to stay active. As a result, Garcia went on walks with them and did yoga at a gym.
After getting back on track with her daily workouts, Garcia realized she also had to better manage her eating habits.
"For the longest, I would go to the gym and go home to eat whatever I wanted," she said. "That's not how it works. I had to learn to eat differently and to learn to like new foods."
She started doing research on proper nutrition. She read books and online articles, shopped at health foods stores and learned to prepare meals that helped her maintain a healthy diet.
Now for two hours every Sunday, Garcia grills chicken, cooks vegetables and packs fresh fruit in preparation for the upcoming week.
"(I) make eating as simple as possible," she said. "If there are a lot of ingredients, I don't want it."
The next step
Down to 128 pounds, Garcia has been left with a lot of loose skin -- particularly around her stomach. She is doing CrossFit exercises and weight training to tighten up the area.
She's also checking off some other goals.
One of the most rewarding moments in Garcia's weight loss journey was completing her first 5K run in 27 minutes.
When she first started training, running three miles took her 48 minutes. Today, she can complete it in less than 25.
"I hadn't been able to walk a lap, let alone run it," she said. "And now when I finish a workout, I really get emotional and I can't believe that I could do it."
She isn't stopping there. Garcia wants to complete a half marathon as well as the Warrior Dash in June. As a result, she might take a pool break in between.
"I really want to fit in my bikini comfortably this summer," she said.
Today, Garcia doesn't shop at plus size clothing stores anymore. She was able to drop from a size 22 to a size 6.
And what happened to her XXL "fat shorts?" She ditched them for a pair of small exercise shorts.
To those just starting their weight-loss journey, she offers this advice:
"Once you start, don't give up. The hardest thing to do is to continue. If you have a bad day, don't make it a bad week.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Overheard: Whose fault is obesity?

This post is part of the Overheard on series, a regular feature that examines interesting comments and thought-provoking conversations posted by the community.
Obesity is a huge problem in the United States, and it’s linked to serious illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease and certain cancers.
A new report suggests that by 2030 nearly half of all Americans will be obese, and these expanding waistlines will translate into billions of dollars of health care costs. The study authors advocate for nationwide interventions to get children and adults to be more physically active and eat healthier.
More than 400 readers commented on the story. The most popular reader comment came from Joe Skinner, who says:
This is something I've been saying forever, the problem isn't "Romneycare" or "Obamacare," it's fat Americans who are the problem and they are more willing to blame politicians for health care cost problems than to say the 300-pound reading on the scale might have something to do with it.
Bruce Force responded that weight loss alone won’t solve the problem:
I agree that we are responsible for our own health but I think this obsession with losing weight is the wrong way to go about it. When we talk about fitness, we never talk about skills and that's unfortunate because that what being fit is about: developing skills in order to survive.
Chichetr proposed the radical measure of taxing overweight people per pound, a comment that got 59 “likes” :
I'm sick and tired of seeing my fellow Americans waddling around from fast food restaurant to fast food restaurant, their giant bellies swaying and bulging out under their shirts. It's absolutely shameful.
I propose that we start charging health care costs by the pound. How many of these people do you think are going to keel over from 1, 2 or 3 heart attacks, strokes, cardiovascular disorders of every kind? The list goes on and on. How many of these people can actually PAY for the tremendous health care costs associated with their weight? Not many.
I as a taxpayer, I refuse to pay for these people. Tax the overweight and obese NOW!
But pgauthi responded with a more pragmatic approach:
Those of us living in the real world realize we can't just let people "take responsibility," because we have decided that everyone has the right to emergency treatment. So as much as it pains me to pay for the lazy obese I would rather pay for their preventive care than for their emergencies.
I would love it though if medicare tax and/or health premiums were based on BMI and cardiovascular fitness.
Delishus Cake represented the point of view that the high cost of healthy foods compared to fattening foods is part of the problem:
If fresh fruit was affordable year round and a salad didn't cost the same as 4 double cheeseburgers people might not be so fat. Low income people typically choose whichever option looks to be the most bang for your buck. If you've got $4 and you want to eat are you going to buy a salad or 2 double cheeseburgers, a large coke, and a fry?
But halfthestory argues the opposite viewpoint:
So tired of hearing the "it costs too much to eat healthy" argument. Plan your budget and buy healthier foods ... fast food is not much cheaper and is much less healthier. It's a lifestyle change and not a financial issue in most cases. It's just easier to justify when you say "it costs too much".
Chemical BPA linked to children's obesity
Finally, the usage of body mass index as a measure of obesity is imperfect, as readers such as CatMagnet noted. Height and weight are the factors that go into calculating BMI, but for some people that is not an accurate assessment of whether they are healthy.
On Twitter, science writer @miriamgordon responded to the story by citing this New York Times article from Tuesday, which notes that obesity as we know it may not be the whole story: “In study after study, overweight and moderately obese patients with certain chronic diseases often live longer and fare better than normal-weight patients with the same ailments.”
Part of the problem is that if you measure obesity with body mass index, you are ignoring other potentially critical measurements of health, including metabolic abnormalities, lean muscle mass and body fat, the article said.
Another science writer, @daviddespain, responded with an article he had written on his blog suggesting that young Asian-American women may be improperly categorized as healthy using the traditional BMI scale; they may have low BMI but high body fat percentage.
The state-by-state obesity data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not take these deviations from the traditional BMI picture into account, nor do the 2030 predictions.

Man refuses surgery, drops 270 pounds

Bryan Ganey slowly climbed out of his parents' car. Michael and Martha Ganey had driven their son to work because he wasn't feeling well -- for the past couple of days, simple tasks had left him short of breath and exhausted.
At 577 pounds, being out of shape was normal for Bryan, so he ignored it. But as he headed toward the door of his office on June 20, 2010, the ground suddenly shifted.
The Ganeys were pulling away when Martha's cell phone rang. All she heard on the other end was gasping.
The couple stopped the car and sprinted back to the building, where they found their son lying in the bushes, struggling to breathe. The ride to the hospital took only five minutes, but to Martha, it seemed like hours. Bryan didn't care how long it took -- he knew he was going to die.
"I was absolutely convinced that I was having a heart attack. I had been told by doctors before that at my size, if I ever had heart problems, they weren't going to be able to operate on me. So there was a very good chance that this was the end -- that I would get there and there wouldn't be anything they could do," he said.
Out of control
For years, Bryan worked the night shift at a Verizon call center in Charleston, South Carolina, 20 miles from his home in Moncks Corner.
He skipped breakfast, ate fast food for lunch and dinner, then picked up a pizza or some convenience store snacks on his way home. He often drank more than a gallon of soda a day. By the age of 37, he had a body mass index around 87. A BMI over 30 is considered obese.
"He was very aware that he had a problem," Martha said. "It was out of control."
June 20 was possibly the best thing that could have happened to Bryan, although it certainly didn't seem like it at the time. His "heart attack" was actually a pulmonary embolism, or a blood clot that had traveled to his lungs, blocking his oxygen flow. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "sudden death is the first symptom" in about a quarter of patients who have a pulmonary embolism.
For six days, Bryan lay in a hospital bed, covered in bruises caused by the blood thinners being pumped into his body. The blood thinners slowly cleared the blockage in his lungs, giving him plenty of time to think.
"At first, I felt like a victim, like somebody or something had done this to me," Bryan said in a YouTube video about his experience. "But then reality set in and the pain turned to anger. My condition was unacceptable."
Several doctors tried to broach the subject of weight-loss surgery while he was in the hospital, but Bryan refused. Both he and his mother had friends who had gone through the surgery and were suffering from complications.
If I can make it out of here alive, he thought, I'm not coming back.
Small steps
Today, Bryan, 39, tells his story from the driver's seat of a car that he wouldn't have fit in two years ago . He shops for clothes at department stores, buys one seat on an airplane instead of two and sleeps through the night.
"The absolute best thing about all the weight that I've lost is just waking up every day and realizing that I don't weigh 577 pounds anymore," he said with a laugh. "The biggest rewards are the smallest ones."
Small steps are what began Bryan's weight loss journey. After leaving the hospital, he began to move -- at first pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store like a toddler learning to walk. Then he ventured to the mailbox at the end of his driveway. Soon, he was conquering several miles at a time.
He lost 130 pounds in the first six months, then dropped another 140 pounds over the course of the next year. At 5-foot-8, Bryan now weighs just under 300 pounds.
"It turns out it really is true," Bryan wrote in his iReport submission. "If you use more energy than you take in, you will lose weight."
Bryan switched to a day shift at work to conquer his bad eating habits. He's very particular about what he puts in his mouth, refusing to stray from self-prepared lean meats, vegetables and fruits. He eats five to six meals a day, every two to three hours. He measures his portions so that his total calorie count for the day hits 2,500.
"Food is everywhere," he said, reflecting on his struggles to keep on track at work or in social settings. "I just can't eat it anymore. I can't do it ever again. I don't have the ability to have just a little bit. They think I must be miserable because I ... don't allow myself to have certain things. [But] the benefits I have gained, the prize is worth the struggle."
After dropping his first 70 pounds, Bryan decided to hire a personal trainer. This wasn't the first time he had tried to lose weight by exercising, and in the past he had burned himself out pushing too hard, too fast. His trainer, Martha Peake, started slowly. At first, all they did was sit down and stand up. For the 500-pound Bryan, that was enough.
Last year, Bryan limped across the finish line of the 10K race he entered. This year, he plans to run the whole race. He's still losing six to seven pounds a month and hopes to eventually get down to 200 pounds.
Simple prayers
Every morning, Martha wakes up and asks God to give Bryan one more day. She understands the obstacles placed before her son -- most addicts can give up their abusive substance, but he can't just give up food.
"I guess there's always that little shadow of a doubt," Martha said. "But I know also that he's a very strong person ... if it can be done, he can do it."
When Bryan returned to the doctor, the change in his blood work was almost unbelievable. He's off many of the medications he was on before; his blood pressure medication has been cut four times over the last two years. His LDL cholesterol, the bad kind, is 100 -- an optimal number.
Most importantly, at 577 pounds, Bryan was prediabetic. Now, he's looking forward to a bright, diabetes-free future.
"I think what gets lost in the advertisements and everything that's written about weight loss is that if people would keep it simple, that everyone has that power in them. You can change your life."

Monday, 15 April 2013

Scarred areas Hair Transplant - Hair Transplant Surgery

Scarred Areas Hair Tansplant

Scarred areas -
Scars in hairy areas are visible because of lack of hairs in it. Scars can be made practically invisible by hair transplant procedure. It is said that hair growth may not be up to the mark in scars (owing to less blood supply in scarred area) and a sample grafting can be done in a portion of the scar. If the growth is good over the period (usual period is six months), the session can be repeated to cover the full scar.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant - Hair Transplantation Pakistan

Eyebrow- Hair transplantation is done to improve or recreate eyebrows
hair transplant for eyebrow
It is aesthetically essential to follow the direction of eyebrow hairs while creating a new line. Around 150 micro grafts are usually required for an eye brow of one side. The donor site is usually nape of neck or temporal region (finer hairs are preferred).
The rate of growth of transplanted hairs is usually faster and will need training from time to time.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

What is better Strip method or Follicular unit extraction?

Studies say that STRIP method is still the number one choice for hair transplant, because of excellent maximum density achieved that too with little compromise of a hair line scar which becomes practically invisible over the time in most of the patients. Weighing the benefits of strip method with almost 100 % success rate, the compromise of this very fine scar (that too becomes invisible due to growth of hairs through this line in most of the patients) is really negligible.
This method requires well equipped center with skilled plastic surgeon; who owing to the nature of plastic/micro surgical specialty can perform it with utmost care. In this method the highest number of follicles can be harvested (according to size of strip as per need, a strip as long as 20 cm and as wide as 3 cm can be harvested) and that too leaving the area adjacent to strip untouched thus maintaining normal density adjacent to the closure line. This uses the elastic/stretchable property of skin, and after strip harvesting the wound is closed primarily giving natural look.
Figure 14 Back of the scalp after strip harvesting This looks like practically uneffected with no wound

There is no wound or gap visible. The whole process is done under direct vision keeping the roots visible maintaining the highest quality of grafts ensuring complete success of grafts without any damage to the grafts (each and every graft is valuable in bald patient, it is hair bank).
In follicular unit extraction method inserting the punch is little blind technique and there are chances (though very low in experienced hands) of damage to follicles owing to vibration energy of punch and chance of transection of roots due to different angulations of hair roots. Moreover we need larger donor area and to get about 2500 follicles or so we need to span whole of back of head (to maintain sufficient left over density on donor site). In this way the highest number of available follicles is lesser as compared to STRIP method. Moreover second or subsequent stages lead to further decrease in density in the donor site in follicular unit extraction method as multiple punch holes lead to scarring over larger area (In strip method it is localized along a single line and adjacent hair density remains untouched).
But we cannot ignore the utility of follicular unit extraction method.
This is good choice for a certain group like--
For those who need smaller sessions; or need donor sites other than head (like moustaches, beard, chest, thighs, abdomen etc.). Moreover this is a very good supplement to strip method in subsequent stages. There are patients in which combined techniques can be done.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Tell me about scalp flap surgery/ scalp reduction surgery/scalp tissue expander?

With the advent of micro follicular hair transplant technique, these techniques  nowadays are being considered as of  historical interest. In these techniques the bald area is removed surgically and adjacent hair bearing area is moved using skin laxity. In some cases the hair bearing skin is increased in size by putting tissue expanders (balloons) under it; and this is used to replace the bald areas.

These techniques though considered history, still are useful in select group like–
Localized bad/thin scar over head, where the transplanted hair will not grow due to lack of proper blood supply. In these cases the scar can be excised in one or multiple stages and can be replaced with adjacent hair bearing area giving instant natural results with practically insignificant scarring. This also involves skills of a cosmetic surgeon.

Is there any role of medicines in baldness?

The role of medicine in hair loss has been said temporary because the hairs which have destiny to fall will fall ultimately because of their genetic programming. Though the drugs have been said useful to decrease the hair fall and increase the density but once the use is stopped, the effect vanishes. But the role of medicines has been established by promoting growth of the transplanted hair after hair transplant. This is said to be helpful in two ways.
  1. The transplanted hair are said to be permanent and once the medicine promote and expedite the growth of these hairs; the resultant growth is early and permanent.
  2. The existing hair will increase in density with these medicines, thus supporting the density of transplanted hair and amply contributing to change, enhanced look after hair transplant.

There are 2 medicines whose role is established for this.

  1. Minoxidil – used as a local(topical) application works primarily by increasing blow flow. Nowadays combinationof  Minoxidil and Aminexil is being claimed to decrease fibrosis and maintain the growth potential.
  2. Finasteride- reduces hair loss, and is said to be more useful in younger population. Studies have shown that it requires at least 6 months to 1 year for some significant improvement to be seen from the use of finasteride.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Latest Skin Cancer News

Here are some recent skin cancer headlines:

If your kids are very light skinned (not redheads) and they tan, they are at higher risk for developing more nevi (birthmarks, moles, colored skin spots) than kids who don't tan.  Why is this of concern?  Well the number and size of nevi are used for determining the risk of developing melanoma.  And in fact, numerous benign or atypical nevi are considered a strong risk factor for melanoma.  Researchers have concluded that UV tanning in non-redhead children with the lightest skin pigmentation promotes nevus development.  If this describes your child - avoid this risk by making sure they always use sun block and reapply it during the day.

The National Institute of Health has identified a new group of genetic mutations that are involved in melanoma.  Some of the newly identified mutations were found in nearly 20% or melanoma cases.  Better yet, there is a drug approved for certain types of breast cancer that target this gene.  The PTK family of genes contains many genes that when mutated, promote a variety of cancers (including certain breast cancers, melanoma).  Research will now continue to identify more drugs that directly battle these genetic mutations.

For a largely unknown reason, melanoma is much more common among women than men under age 40.  Between ages 40 to 50, the incidence is pretty similar for both groups.  Over age 50, the incidence of melanoma skews to men.  Researchers have recently reported that a specific genetic mutation leads to a nearly four-fold increase of melanoma in women under age 50.  The gene is called MDM2 and its activity is associated with estrogen, hence the disparity between men and women's incidence of melanoma in the below 50 age group.  The gene's risk impact may be even more profound than blistering sunburns, freckles and even a family history of melanoma.  If scientists could develop a genetic test to identify this specific gene mutation, then many pre-menopausal (younger) women would be aware of their risk.  That awareness could lead to close scrutiny, frequent skin evaluations by a dermatologist and early intervention and treatment, which is crucial to a positive outcome in this deadly disease.  Drugs could also be developed to target this gene mutation.  More than 62,000 people get diagnosed with melanoma yearly and over 8,000 patients die yearly.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Hair Transplant Surgery in Cosmetique Pakistan

Welcome To Cosmetique®

“Our goal is to be the Gold Standard of skin care and cosmetic surgery in South Asia. I personally see every new patient who visits our clinic. I am Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology, American Board of Internal Medicine and American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. These are exceptionally difficult degrees and fellowships to earn. These credentials attest & ensure that you, the patient, is in the best qualified hands. I returned to Pakistan after spending more than 15 years in training, teaching and practicing the art and science of Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery at some of the finest institutions in the United States. My passion was to provide the same highest quality of services in Pakistan that we were used to provide in America. And, Alhamdulillah, we have been able to achieve that goal. The love and respect given to us by our ordinary patients as well as the Crème de la Crème of politics, sports, media, education & business of Pakistan and abroad, is very near and dear to our hearts at Cosmetique®. Most importantly, many highly acclaimed and top-notch doctors trust their and their family’s skincare and appearance enhancement with us. Being doctor’s doctor is not easy but is self rewarding. Rest assured that the trust and faith that you put in us will always be protected with our utmost efforts to provide you with the skin care and cosmetic surgery at par with the most advanced centers in the world. Please take a moment to explore our website. Our philosophy is simple…Doctor’s Qualifications Count and Quality Matters. After all, at Cosmetique®, our goal is to make you look good and feel confident with a beautiful YOU.” .....

A few words about hair transplant in Pakistan

Hair transplant in Pakistan have now become the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure for men. Many options to get the affordable hair transplant pakistan are available. From a totally non qualified wig-specialist to a barely qualified doctor to a very highly skilled cosmetic surgeon who specializes in hair transplant Pakistan there are many options to choose from. In Pakistan Hair transplant surgery is not strictly regulated by the government agencies, and can be performed by any non-qualified or a less qualified doctor as well, and thus the patients are advised to thoroughly check the credentials of the hair loss treatment specialist you are going choose as the hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan. The cost of hair transplant in Pakistan is considerably low as compared to any western country. Hair transplant is a small surgery in which hair is taken out from a patient's own back of the scalp (skin of the head) and planted on the front balding part of the head or on any part of the body where hair is needed. They are ones own natural hair and they grow for the rest of ones life as ones other normal hair. The transplanted hair requires cutting just like ones other normal hair.
At our exceptionally equipped clinic in Pakistan hair transplant is performed using our state-of-the-art technology and latest techniques of micro hair transplant surgery with single and follicular unit grafts, follicular unit extraction (FUE), body hair transplantation or a combination of these techniques as required by the patient. Local anesthesia is used to numb the skin and make the procedure absolutely painless. No hospitalization is required and the patient can resume his routine daily activities immediately after the transplantation. At Cosmetique Pakistan hair transplant is being performed using our latest equipment and all the medications used are of highest quality and imported from United States. The equipment used during the hair transplant surgery is of the most importance as this enhances the surgeons ability to perform the highest quality hair transplant.Surgery usually takes around 5-7 hours. We maintain the highest standards of patient safety, privacy and confidentiality.

What is Negroid hair (ebony hair)?

In African population the visible density is much more owing to curly hair. The shaft and roots are curly (banana shaped roots)
Figure 17 African hair follicles
Number of hair follicles is less per square cm, even then the density looks great owing to curliness.
So requirement of hair follicles is usually less to get good results.
The utmost care is mandatory during separation of hairs in this population. FUE technique leads to more damage to hair grafts (owing to curliness of hair, straight punches are more likely to cut the roots).
Still the recommended technique is strip method in african hairs.
Team has wide experience in negroid/ebony hair. Meticulous strip harvesting and meticulous root separation is required to save their curly roots.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Excessive Sweating Is a Treatable DiseaseExcessive Sweating Is a Treatable Disease

Excessive Sweating Is a Treatable Disease
The medical term used for the Excessive sweating is � Hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating in armpits or on the palms and soles can pose a significant social problem as well as a real daily nuisance. It could be embarrassing to shake hands with sweaty palms, and sweaty feet can cause offensive odor in the feet. Excessive sweat in the armpits could be socially embarrassing leaving one with wet shirts and foul smell.
There are very effective and world class treatments for Excessive sweating available at Cosmetique® to help you put a lid on this smelly problem - Hyperhidrosis. First of all Dr Azim  will determine the cause of your excessive sweating. After Dr. Khan determines and confirms that you do not have any significant medical problem causing excessive sweating he will offer you the best treatment options in your particular situation. It may be a medication in the form of a lotion or spray that you may have to apply a few times a week on the sweaty areas, or the latest treatment called as Iontophoresis or a tiny injection of Botox®.
Q: What is Iontophoresis?
Iontophoresis is a special treatment for excessive sweating in the armpits, or on hands and feet. A computerized machine is used to generate very low voltage special waves through water and the affected area is placed on a wet surface on the machine. These special waves reduce the flow of excessive sweat from the affected area. You will need a series of treatments to bring excessive sweating to normal.
Q: Can Botox® be used for excessive sweating?
YES, Botox® is a very effective therapy for the treatment of excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis). Botox injection stops the sweat glands from forming excessive sweat. It is simple, safe and minimally invasive treatment. The effect lasts for 3 to 14 months, varying from one patient to another. To learn more about other options to control excessive sweating make an appointment with Dr Azim at Cosmetique®.

Hair loss

Hair loss
Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body. It can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition. Anyone — men, women and children — can experience hair loss.
Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Some people prefer to let their baldness run its course untreated and unhidden. Others may cover it up with hairstyles, makeup, hats or scarves. And still others choose one of the medications or surgical procedures that are available to treat hair loss.
Before pursuing any treatment option, talk with your doctor about the cause of and best possible treatments for your particular type of hair loss.

Friday, 5 April 2013

What is body hair transplant?

The patients with advanced degree of hair loss with minimum donor hairs over scalp need not to get disappointed. The treatment option using hairs (usually taken by extraction techniques) from other parts of body has opened exciting opportunity for these desperate patients.
The possible donor areas are:-
Pubic area

Nowadays many patients want removal of unnecessary body hairs (with laser hair removal). In body hair transplant we reap dual benefits of removing unwanted body hairs and transferring them to bald areas over scalp, with no side effect or scaring over donor and recipient areas. While doing this an artistic mixing of body hairs and scalp hairs is achieved over recipient (bald) area to achieve natural appearance.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Face Lift without General Anesthesia

Face lift surgery is performed to pull the loose skin from the lower part of the face backwards and upwards, to give the face a youthful appearance, without a stretched ‘plastic’ look. The natural look after the face-lift surgery is something we specialize in. You don’t want to have a facelift done in a way that is detectable by others. In fact the face lift has to be subtle enough that no one should be able to notice the scars or be startled with a stretched look of your face.
We take pride in our doctors who have invented and refined many procedures performed by thousands of doctors throughout the world. One such technique is the face lift technique using only local anesthesia with minimal surgery. Two cutting edge medical papers of Dr. Azim
The official publication of American Society for Dermatologic Surgerywere honored to be published in the leading international medical journal Dermatologic Surgery – The official publication of American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (

These papers are the testimony that we are the pioneers, Alhamdulillah, and perform the most refined minimally invasive face lift surgeries.

The surgery is performed in our out-patient surgery suite using only local anesthesia. General anesthesia has it’s own complications that can be avoided by just using the local anesthesia. The surgery takes between 1-2 hours and patient can immediately go home, and resume the routine activities in a day or two, and can go back to work within a few days.  

The Laser Hair Removal in Pakistan

It is no more a secret that unwanted hair on the face and body (armpits, bikini area, legs, arms and trunk) can be safely removed and reduced permanently using the latest laser hair removal technology. Fortunately, lasers are extremely effective and have proven to be absolutely safe with their more than 13 years of safety track records. Today, Dermatologists, all over the world, believe in the gospel of laser treatment for the permanent removal of unwanted body and facial hair. And just in case you have been misinformed, laser hair removal does not cause cancer.


Q: Is the laser hair removal safe?V-Beam
A: Yes, laser hair removal is absolutely safe, but only with a few considerations. Firstly, the treatment should be done using a high quality laser hair removal machine and secondly it must be done by a competent and properly trained doctor. On the other hand, most burn cases that you may have heard about were either done by an untrained/ill trained doctor, the person may not even be a doctor and/ or with a low quality Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) machine which is not a true LASER. You as a patient should understand that cheap laser hair removal treatment can only be offered by using low cost, low quality equipment which may not be safe and can burn the skin leaving permanent scars. Also, these cheap IPLs are not effective and you may need many more laser hair removal treatments to get long lasting results. So be wise, and choose the right man with the right machine.
Q: Is laser hair removal painful?
A: No. A special local/topical anesthetizing cream is applied prior to laser hair removal that makes the procedure almost completely painless. Some patients with extra sensitive skin may experience a mild needle prick sensation ---- but not pain.
Q: How Many laser hair removal treatments will I need?
A:Well, it varies from person to person. The correct assessment can be made only after a thorough dermatological evaluation. More specifically, especially in females, increased hair growth over the face and body could be secondary to some hormonal imbalance which must be taken care along with the laser hair removal. In some patients only 5-6 treatments are needed while in others 12 or more treatments may be required.
Q: Other laser centers claim to permanently remove the hair in only 4-5 treatments, is that possible?
A: Unfortunately many such clinics are run by unethical doctors with a commercial mind frame or even mere beauticians, who make big claims without any scientific knowledge or evidence. The fact of the matter is that in some cases it may be true, but for most of the patients 6-9 treatments are needed and in some rare patients even more laser hair removal treatments may be required. As mentioned earlier, the hormonal status and hair density gives the final word.
Q: What is the cost of laser hair removal?
A: Although we use the exact same lasers in Pakistan that we use in our U.S. clinics, the cost of laser hair removal in Pakistan is only a fraction of what one would pay in the U.S. The cost of the laser hair removal starts from Rs. 4000 per session, depending upon how much area needs to be treated and the hair density in the targeted area. The exact cost can be determined only after the final assessment by one of our doctors.
Q: Why are our charges for laser hair removal slightly higher?
A: This is not true. Since we use the latest, most effective and the safest lasers made by some of the finest laser manufacturers in the world, we may only seem slightly more expensive than those who use cheaper Chinese lasers or the cheaper, less effective and less safe technologies like Intense Pulsed Light. Whereas a good laser likes Nd:YAG costs between US $ 50000 and 60000, a cheap Chinese Intense Pulsed Light system costs only US $ 3000 to 4000. Consequently, the cost of a single laser hair removal session by our machine would seem slightly heavy on the pocket, but it is, in fact, a much safe and undoubtedly the most effective option available in the world today. Moreover, with such high level technology, a faster response result and only a few sessions are needed which economizes the total cost of the treatment. So the rule is to consider THE COST EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ENTIRE TREATMENT RATHER THAN THE COST EFFECTIVENESS OF A SINGLE SESSION. We are very proud of the fact that all of our lasers are made in the United States by some of the finest companies in the world such as Cutera, Iridex, Candela and Palomar. These are the exact same laser hair removal machines that are used in our US affiliated clinics in New Jersey and Ohio. Also, it is not just the machines which assure the best treatment. It is "the man behind the machine" who matters even more than anything else. Our consultant dermatologist Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan has more than 18 years of experience in his field. He has learnt, practiced and taught lasers for more than 15 years in the U.S. before returning to Pakistan. He has trained a team of highly dedicated doctors in Lahore to take care of his patients with him in a very efficient way.

Q: What is the difference between LASER and IPL?
A: The word LASER is an acronym made from the first five letters of “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. It simply means that a very specific kind of light is amplified or made extremely strong, so strong that it can burn. The beauty of laser is that it only burns a specific color or substance – in case of hair – it is the color of the hair that the laser targets. Therefore, lasers can only destroy the black/brown hair and not the white or grey hair. The safety of laser is also inherent in their very specific damage, so the better the laser, more specifically; it burns only the targeted hair and not the normal surrounding skin. On the other hand, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), is a broad spectrum light that can damage the skin around the hair. Since the laser technology is far too difficult to build, lasers are much more expensive than IPLs. In a nutshell, if you are looking for more effective yet safe laser hair removal treatment, go for a “true” laser rather than an IPL treatment. Make sure that you ask your doctor to tell you the brand of laser they use and go on the web to make sure that it is a laser by a reputable company. After all it is your health and your skin – so take care of it with the best possible technology, even if it is slightly expensive. The final choice is yours.
Laser Hair Removal

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Skin Hair & Nail Diseases

Skin diseases A to Z (Information about skin diseases)


This is a very common skin disease in adolescence, young girls and boys and even in adults. It is a common mistake to think that it is normal to have acne at puberty and no treatment should be done. In fact, this is a skin disease and wonderful treatments are available that can get rid of the old acne and prevent the new ones from forming. If treated appropriately pimples should leave no mark on the face. When not treated in time they can leave ugly and permanent marks. The treatment usually consists of some medicine to apply on the face couple of times a day and sometimes oral medications may be needed. It is a common mistake to apply steroid creams like “Dermovate” for pimples which, in fact, can worsen the pimples and damage the skin. Acne in most cases is neither caused by any food nor is the lack of water responsible for it. But in general, eating healthy food, avoiding fast food and drinking enough water is good for the body anyway. . Many commercial creams and lotions, to treat acne and make the skin fair, contain steroids that can permanently damage the skin and should not be used without the doctor’s advice. You should consult a qualified skin specialist for the treatment. With the latest treatments available, there is no reason to be walking around with pimples. To learn more about acne Click Here


Dandruff is a skin disease caused by mold / fungus and the overproduction of the body oil by the skin oil glands. Simply dry skin does not cause dandruff, so not washing the head is not the solution. Similarly putting the oil in the hair may mask the condition temporarily but is not the cure. Regular showers and the use of a good antidandruff shampoo may be your first step towards the treatment. If not improved a skin specialist can be consulted. With proper treatment this condition can be treated effectively.


These small growths are caused by a germ (virus) and can be transmitted from one person to another. Also, scratching a wart and
then putting the same finger on another part of the body can transfer the disease to that body part as well. These warts can be easily treated by burning with extreme heat or cold using special devices in your skin specialist’s clinic. Self medication by burning them with acids or picking at them can leave unsightly marks and even spread the disease.


Head lice can cause severe itching in the head and is an extremely common problem in school going children. If commonly available remedies like combing hair with a very fine comb after shampooing with anti-lice shampoo do not work, a dermatologist may be consulted.


These light colored spots are NOT caused by Calcium deficiency. It is a form of eczema and can be easily treated by your skin specialist. Avoiding the sun following the treatment may help lighten the surrounding skin thereby making the spots less visible during the recovery period. It usually takes a few months to regain the color in these spots after the treatment.


These markedly white spots are not caused by drinking milk with fish. Sour food or Vitamin-C does not cause leukoderma. These are the common myths spread by non qualified medical practitioners. In fact every human being has an immune system (body defense system) to fight off infections caused by germs. Sometimes this defense system starts working against the cells which produce the skin color. These cells are called melanocytes (pronounced as MAY-LANO-SITE). In the beginning of the disease, the defense system just paralyzes the melanocytes and they stop making the color. At this stage they can be salvaged with the proper treatment. If not treated early, the defense system can permanently damage these cells, making the treatment difficult. The treatment usually consists of medicated creams, treatment with ultraviolet light in your dermatologist’s clinic, and sometimes oral medications with ultraviolet light. If no improvement occurs, a latest treatment called ‘Melanocyte Transplant’ is now available in Pakistan. In this treatment the color producing cells are transferred from the normal skin to the white spots, where they start producing the skin color.


This can be easily prevented by avoiding harsh sun and staying in the shade. Different sun blocks with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 35 or more and UVA + UVB protection, along with physical protection with clothing, hats and umbrellas can prevent uneven skin tone. Remember, the intense and prolonged sun exposure can darken the skin and make the skin older looking sooner. Normal exposure to the sun is necessary for Vitamin-D production in the body. So try to avoid the direct sun between 10 am and 4 pm when the harmful rays of the sun are at their peak.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Ear Beautifying Surgery

Ears just like us, human beings, come in different shapes and sizes .They may stick out too far, may be too big, mismatched or a little different in size. Luckily, un-like people, there is hope and the ears can be changed into a more desirable shape.
Children can get self-conscious about ears as their peers can sometimes be cruel and vicious and pick on them for having “large” ears. This is detrimental for their self confidence.

To such little people and big people we offer Otoplasty. Otoplasty is a procedure in which, without compromising the hearing ability, wonders are done for self esteem by bringing the ears back in proportion with that of the face and head.
Otoplasty can be performed in adulthood but the minimum age is around 5-6 years as the ears have reached their full size and will not grow any further. Since the cartilage of the ears in this age group is not as hard as the adults, their ears can be more easily shaped and sculpted into a desired form.

During consultation, one of our experienced doctors will examine your ears and will discuss the surgical and non surgical options available for the correction of the ears. The surgery takes about 2-3 hours, patient goes home soon after the procedure and resumes daily routine activities in a couple of days.