Deb Lemire has always been "short and square," a figure she inherited
from her grandmother and passed on to her child. So when Lemire took
her daughter in for a wellness visit and the well-meaning pediatrician
pulled her aside to talk about her daughter's weight, the 47-year-old
burst into tears "because I was the 10-year-old being told I was
She took her daughter to a nutritionist, who said
her dietary habits were good. So Lemire decided not to push the issue.
"I have spent my whole entire life dieting and feeling like my worth was
attached to my weight," says Lemire. "I wasn't going to tell her she
has to change who she is. But we're going to encourage healthy behaviors
[and] not worry about translating that into a size that's 'OK.' That
message is not going to come from me -- she'll get that enough from
other people."
Lemire also happens to be president of the Association for Size Diversity and Health, a group that advocates that people can be healthy at any size. Her
group is just one of several in a growing trend sometimes called the fat
acceptance movement.
From the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty,
which portrays underwear-clad women who tend to be larger than the
average model, to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance,
which fights size discrimination, many organizations and businesses are
championing a new definition of beauty -- one that is not dictated by
waist size.
Although most people agree that promoting
super-skinny models as the feminine (or masculine) ideal isn't healthy,
will the opposite -- accepting that being overweight or obese is fine --
undermine the progress being made toward heart health?
In fact, experts have recently found that the decades-long efforts to
limit one serious heart risk -- smoking -- is expected to pay off with
longer life spans. Unfortunately, the rise in obesity will likely undercut that progress.
Can you be fat and fit?
Expert opinion is pretty much unanimous: Being overweight is bad for your health, particularly for your heart.
is probably the only risk factor that has such a global negative impact
on so many risk factors for the heart," says Barry Franklin, Ph.D., the
director of the Cardiac Rehab Program and Exercise Laboratories at
William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan.
Obesity's heart
disease risk factors include high blood pressure, inflammation,
metabolic syndrome, and trouble with blood-fat levels, such as higher
triglycerides, low HDL (good cholesterol), and high LDL (bad
cholesterol). Obesity is also associated with sleep apnea.
research conducted by Steven N. Blair, a professor at the Arnold School
of Public Health at the University of South Carolina, suggests that
some people can be overweight and healthy. In a 2007 study, he and
colleagues found that unfit people over age 60 who were of normal weight
had higher mortality rates during the 12-year study than people the
same age with higher body-mass indexes (BMIs) who were fit (as measured
by a treadmill test).
And a 2008 study
found that the location of fat deposits on the body is a big factor in
the health risks associated with being overweight. (Belly fat and fat
deposits in the liver are bad news.)
Franklin says that studies
have indeed shown that fit overweight or obese people have
cardiovascular mortality rates that are lower than thin, unfit people.
May, M.D., the author of "Eat What You Love; Love What You Eat: How To
Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle," says, "We use obesity as a marker
of whether someone is practicing a healthy lifestyle, but that is not a
way of determining if they are making healthy eating choices, are
physically active, or have economic, emotional, and social stability,
which is important to longevity."
who is a member of the Association for Size Diversity and Health, says,
"It is easy to use a BMI and place everyone in the same box, but it is
too simplistic and is not always an accurate description of someone's
But are such studies just an excuse for overweight
people -- most of whom aren't fit -- to remain complacent about excess
weight? There remains concern on the part of physicians that the rise in
fat acceptance is an unhealthy trend.
Franklin says that people
who are overweight or obese already have one strike against them in
terms of heart health, and need to compensate by monitoring other
factors like exercise, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
don't want to take on any specific organization...but a social movement
that would suggest healthy at any size in many respects can be
misleading," Franklin says. "We can't say that every overweight person
is healthy."
Is body image as important as health?
But for Lemire and others, it is important to balance a healthy body image with a healthy body.
at any size is helping people be as healthy as they choose to be, want
to be, need to be -- as healthy as they are," Lemire says. "Everyone at
any size can take care of the body they have and support their
says she is concerned about contributing to fear and shame within a
group for which the medical community has few available solutions.
else in medicine do we offer a solution -- dieting -- that is going to
fail and then point to the end user and say, 'You are weak-willed; you
don't have enough willpower'?" she asks. "I know many thin people who
don't exercise and follow unhealthy diets."
Part of the problem
is that even when people -- or their kids -- are overweight or obese,
they don't think they are. In fact, 8 percent of obese people think they
are healthy and don't need to lose weight
(even though 35 percent of those people have high blood pressure, 15
percent high cholesterol, and 14 percent diabetes), according to a study
of nearly 6,000 people presented in November 2009 at the American Heart
Association meeting.
It's not clear why there's a disconnect.
But with the rise in obesity, people may have a skewed perception of a
"normal" weight. Right now, more than 60 percent of American adults are
obese or overweight. (This map shows the states with the highest percentage of overweight people.)
and May believe that the focus should be placed on an individual's
health as much as his or her weight, and that people can make great
strides just by taking small steps toward improvement.
"I think
it's a given that we understand physical activity is good for your
body," Lemire says. "Most people find that when they are more physically
active, it makes us feel better and makes the machine run better. But
we shouldn't be promoting it just on the backs of fat people."
people who don't think they have a health problem may be less likely to
exercise, visit a physician, or talk about dietary changes with their
Stephen Nicholls, M.D., the clinical director of the
Cleveland Clinic Center for Cardiovascular Diagnostics and Prevention,
says it's never too late to improve your health by eating better,
becoming physically active, quitting smoking, and seeing a doctor for
However, Nicholls is still concerned that fat acceptance may send the message that being overweight isn't a health issue.
a population, we have moved the yardstick ourselves as what we consider
to be a problem and what we don't consider to be a problem," Nicholls
says. "We consume processed, high-fat, easily available food and reduce
the amount of exercise and activity we perform on a daily basis. There
is complacency about developing obesity, and it could suggest that we
underestimate what its implications might be."
adds, "Obesity is the single greatest public health problem we face in
the U.S. today and is now spreading beyond the developed world into
developing countries."
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